The celebration of the Eucharist and communal praying of the liturgy of the hours are central to our lives. We support our Redemptorist Fathers and Brothers by our prayer. Each exercise of the day is in memory of some mystery in the life of Christ. Our daily schedule gives ample time for prayer and solitude. Each year there is a ten-day community retreat, and a ten-day private retreat for each sister. There is also a monthly one-day retreat for each sister.
Each Redemptoristine is a part of one loving, personal community. In our relatedness to each other we show genuine love and concern, yet respect the uniqueness of each person. In and through community we are brought to a fuller life in the Redeemer.
Through our work, we associate ourselves in our own way with those who toil and we witness to the respect due to them. With them we share in the completion of creation and we collaborate in the construction of a better world. Our primary work is a life of prayer, but we also engage in the usual household tasks and outdoor gardening. Our remunerative work consists of sewing ceremonial capes for the Knights and Ladies of the Holy Sepulcher, Redemptorist habits, and clerical work for Liguori Publications.