The Blessed Mother Maria Celeste CrostarosaThe Blessed Mother Maria Celeste Crostarosa was born at Naples on October 31, 1696 in pious and devout parents, which always discussed about the Christian Faith and the lives of the saints. These caught her up in a great desire to love and to serve Him. Celeste experienced the presence and action of the Lord since
she was a child, which is the secret and sweet companionship of Christ and her. Mother Celeste started the religious life at Marigliano as the Carmelites nun in 1718. Her spiritual maturation was developed deeper there with a Teresian atmosphere. She had a great desire for and seeking out of penance and mortification for others. In 1723, situation at Marigliano had deteriorated and closed. Celeste decided to enter Convent at Scala in 1724. |
In April 25, 1725, she experienced the revelation of the Lord during a time of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, suddenly in the Host, there appeared the cross, mounted on the hill of Calvary and the instruments of the passion. This led to the founding of our Redemptoristine Order. During meditations after Communion, Jesus revealed to Blessed Mother Celeste about His plan in having a new institute by means of her. He ordered her to write the Rule of Life and charism to be “living memories” of Jesus Our Redeemer for this new institute, " The Order of the Most Holy Redeemer " .
Our Mother Maria Celeste's body at Foggia Monastery